This post is dedicated to a good friend from church who labeled me the "up-tight" parent this evening! Love ya, Stephanie!
So, the following Top 10 list is in response to her observation...........and, yes, if I'm really honest, I AM an uptight parent. But, I chalk it all up to being a FIRST time parent who is a little bit of a worrier already.........parenting just magnifies it! So, here goes........
Top 10 Reasons Why You Might be an Up-tight Parent
10. You still cut up your 2 1/2 year olds food before serving it
9. You still change his clothes on a changing table
8. You don't allow him to eat snacks during worship.......although he can bring a sippy cup to drink from
7. You don't allow him to bring toys to play with during worship
6. Your very tall for his age 2 1/2 year old still sleeps in his baby bed
5. You still let him watch Baby Einstein DVD's
4. You still sleep with a baby monitor next to your bed
3. You steal your child's Chicken Little Pez dispenser because you don't want him eating all that candy, give it to some teenager, who then gives it back to your child after they have eaten all the Pez
2. Spank, sternly reprimand, and place in time out your child's Chicken Little Pez dispenser after your toddler informs you that, "Chicken Little pushed Abbie"
1. You forbid your child from taking any toys to bed (Fred the pet fish "babysits" all special toys like the little Big Red Car, Toad, and Chicken Little each night while toddler is in bed)
Dear Lord,
Please help my child grow into a well-rounded human being despite his up-tight parents!