Okay, I know I am the worlds worst blogger........but, hey, its MY blog and I'll blog if I want to!
No, really, I have just had so much on my mind. Work has been a challenge lately....I think I bit off a little more than I can chew there: dept. chair, textbook adoption committee rep, curriculum writer, CEIC committee member, and teach all of my classes. I only signed up for one of these posts...........the rest just happened to me! Anyway, stress continued to build, so I talked (and cried a little:() to my principal and assist. principal (2 great ladies), and they took one of the jobs off of my list and it was a great relief. Really, I just want to teach my students and spend time focusing on things directly related to them...........but that is not always possible in public ed. Not to mention, my first and most important job........Ryan's wife and Jacob's mommy........I really pray that one day I will be able to stay at home and be a professional homemaker!
Also, as you know,
Ryan has applied and been accepted to Harding's school of preaching. We have a major move and life change in our near future. We will be leaving our church, my bestest friend (Uh huh, Kevin!) Laura, my wonderful work friends, and hardest of all, our families. Pray for us! I am most nervous about moving Jacob to a less (in my opinion) diverse part of the country.
The last week has been a great time off from school to be with Ryan and Jacob. We spent a lot of time at HOME! We spent Thanksgiving at my mom's house and went for a short visit to Ryan's mom's house. On Friday, we took Jacob to the Sesame Street exhibit at a museum in Houston. See
Ryan's blog for the details.......... and today, we went to worship, had a great bible class and sermon, went to lunch with Laura's family........I love her girls! Jacob and I went grocery shopping while Ryan worked on tonight's sermon. As I write, I am stewing a chicken for chicken-n-dumplings and homemade granola bars are baking! YUM!
One thing I'd like to share........I have been compelled lately to seek comfort when I am struggling from the Bible (wow! what a great idea!). Yes, I study the Bible, but lately, it is when I am having a hard time that I just HAVE to end my day in the WORD. Last night, I was reading in Mark (I think) about people coming to Jesus and him healing them. I always struggle reading the events in the gospels and making application to my life.........but last night I was, like, OH! I get it! Jesus heals sick people when they come to him. I am "sick" and he heals me, too, when I come to him! Don't know why I am sharing with you (whoever "you" are reading this).....I don't normally share my private thoughts with just anyone......but, I just wanted to share. Jesus is the great healer and he comforts and heals us of our struggles when we come to him and obey his word. There.....thats it.