Saturday, March 17, 2007

SCORE!!!!!!! a previous post I mentioned my passion for couponing. Well, today I went on the mother of all grocery shopping trips, second only to one other time where I saved 67%. This evening at Krogers, I saved a whopping 64%! I spent $50.65 and SAVED $87.45! $48.58 of that savings was from the Kroger card discount, but almost $39 of that was in manufacturer coupons from the Sunday papers (I get the early Sunday Edition on Saturday afternoon)! So, what did I get for only $50.65 you ask................well:

For free:

3 10 packs of gum
2 single serving SPAM
1 box Kleenex
2 4-count packages of O-Celo sponges

And, for dirt cheap:

4 6-packs water
4 12-packs diet coke
2 Pilsbury cookie dough
2 Pilsbury crescent rolls
2 Pilsbury sweet rolls
2 refried beans
6 campbells soup
shredded cheese
Disney Yogurt
Quaker oatmeal bites
2 64-oz apple juice
2 gallons milk
tampons (sorry guys)
2 4-pack of Bic Advance Razors ($0.50 each!!)
3 packages lunch meat
2 zatarans rice
2 3-pack of Ivory soap ($0.25 each!)

And a few other things. Some people are danger junkies.......not me. Standing at the checkout counter while the cashier scans my coupons makes me shake in my shoes. Go check out the grocery game at Tell them I sent you by giving them my e-mail address:

See ya!

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