Sunday, April 22, 2007

Sick baby........

Jacob has been running high fevers since Thursday.........we have been very worried. These things seem to always happen on a weekend when you can't get into see a Dr. We have contemplated the ER, but the on-call Dr. hasn't seemed to worried. He did put him on a different antibiotic today, so hopefully that will do the trick. I hate having my baby sick..........the not knowing is scary. Here are some pitiful sick pictures..............the child loves to have shoes on????

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

The Laundry Wins!

I was getting ready for bed last night, and it hit me..........."Laundry, I surrender. You win!" No more guilt or empty promises. "I'll fold that tomorrow night after work and after Jacob goes to bed." (Yea, RIGHT!) "If I just complete one load a day; wash, dry, fold, and put away, I can stay caught up." (WHATEVER!) After 10 years, I finally get it: Women who stay caught up on their laundry are FICTIONAL characters. Somebody invented them to make REAL women feel guilty. Well, NO MORE! A few dirty clothes on the floor or a pile of clean clothes the size of Mt. McKinley next to your bed never killed anyone. So, now that I have come to grips with reality and faced my weaknesses, I am going to go push all that clean, wrinkled laundry onto the floor, crawl into bed and read my book club book. Good Night!