Saturday, January 5, 2008

A sad day.......

Saturdays are my favorite because other than it being a day off to spend time with my boys, it is the day that the Grocery Game LIST comes out! Normally, I stop off at the 99cent store just a block from my house to buy my early Sunday Edition of the Houston Chronicle...............which has all the coupons!!!!!!!!! Normally, this paper costs $1.75, and I buy 2 so that I can get 2 sets of coupons (and Laurie gives me her set, too.........thanks Ya Ya!). But, lucky for me, I live by the 99cent store that sells the papers guessed it, 99 cents! Each! That is a savings of $1.50!

So, today, like any other Saturday, I take a trip to the 99cent store to find them packing up and CLOSING!!!!! And, they are not selling the paper today!! Or tomorrow! OR EVER AGAIN!! And there are supposed to be 6 coupon inserts in each paper this week. I am crushed. Farewell 99cent store. It was good while it lasted. Except for the time we bought Macaroni and Cheese that had bugs in it.

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